Sophie Franklin

21st Century Healer
Flowers, essences and colors Alchemist

It’s time to love yourself as you are, to reconnect to your Divine Essence.
I am offering you a sacred space of healing, teaching, protection and Light.

Aura-Soma Practitioner

Restore your inner balance and vital radiance with a choice of colors and the use of Aura-Soma.

Soul Awakener

Make contact with your Guide and receive his message “soul to soul” through a Soul Reading.

Tarot reader

Enter the subject with a Tarot session while being accompanied and guided by the subtle world around us.

A few words on my story

I was born in 1969, passionate about drawing and using colors as a vector of emotions, I became Graphic Designer, independent since 1996 under the name of (sofistiké!) Design & Visual communication.

Since childhood, I always “heard” voices … Imaginary friends of my childhood. Teenage, these voices became difficult to bear, I thought to be schizophrenic, which made me take some back lane ways, to forget about them, to make them “shut up”.

Always fascinated by magic and the divination arts, at the age of 21, I followed my first training in tarology with a specialization with the “Tarot de Marseille”. My regular clients were always very satisfied with my gift, my “little voices” that I invited to support me during the consultations. For a whole period, I invited these voices to come only during tarot sessions, having not yet integrated the power of their impact on my future life.

It was only after a painful event, the departure of my mother for her “rebirth in heaven” during a trip to Tibet back in 2012, that I began to listen to “my little voices” seriously. Very seriously. The day of her departure, at the time of goodbye at Geneva airport, these famous voices warned me without me inviting them: “Hug your Mum very strongly in your arms Sophie, because it is the last time that you will meet her on this earthly plane”.

Since that painful story, I have decided to listen to these voices, to let them come to me and to work together. To receive their messages to help the humans and the animals surrounding me by being accompanied by the vastness of the Spiritual World. Share my ancient teachings with my fellow humans to empower them to cruise through their earthy life as smoothly as possible while staying fully anchored and aware.

My Initiation Journey

Tarot reading – Tarot de Marseille
Mary-Jo Meylan – Oulens

Awakening the Rainbow Serpent
Coogee Beach, Sydney – Australia

Inner Child
Atelier du Dialogue Intérieur – Adelheid Oesh

Internship of Mediumship
Vaumarcus – Isabelle David

Awakening of the senses & Mediumship
Yverdon – Christine Fardel

Energy and Spiritual Healing Workshops
Lausanne, Fribourg, Vevey, Yverdon

Soul Reading Practitioner
ID com International – Diana Varisco

Mediumship Days
Yverdon – Diana Varisco

Zenith Quest
Lausanne – Homaya Amar

Light Language Level 1
Morges – Homaya Amar

Light Language Level 2
Morges – Homaya Amar

Aura-Soma Level 1
Aura-Soma, Maria Darbellay – Bern

The 72 Angels of Kabbalah & Aura Soma
Aura-Soma, Maria Darbellay – Bern

What do you want in your life?
Aura-Soma, Mike Booth – Schweibenalp

Listening to the Star Within
Aura-Soma, Mike Booth – Bern

Meet your Soul in Central Australia
Soul Musicality & Aura-Soma – Christine Morisson & Vicky Engeham
Ooraminna, Uluru & Kata Tujla – Australia

Aura-Soma Level 2
Aura-Soma, Maria Darbellay – Bern

Personal Presentation Skills
Aura-Soma, Maria Darbellay – Bern

Consultation Skills
Aura-Soma, Maria Darbellay – Bern

Consultation Skills – Deepening
Aura-Soma, Maria Darbellay – Bern

Shamanic drum Workshop
Wakan Circle – Marie-José, François et Gregory – Peseux

Soul Musicality Level 1 (June 2017)
Soul Musicality, Christine Morrison – Gruyère

Aura-Soma Beyond Color
Aura-Soma, Mike Booth – Bern

Aura-Soma Level 3
Aura-Soma, Mike Booth – Byron Bay

The Evolution of Astrology
New Pradigm Astrology – Kaypacha

The Natal  Charts
New Pradigm Astrology – Kaypacha

The Astrology of Relationships
New Pradigm Astrology – Kaypacha